Saturday 26 March 2016


Reports shows that the fire which began as an explosion around 7:00pm on Friday, lasted for about three hours, reducing everything on its path to ashes. The cause of the explosion is still unknown.The timely arrival of firefighters to the scene help saved the offices of the Ghana Post and the Agricultural Development Bank (ADB), which are on the same premises with the affected building. At present, Vodafone’s network service has been cut off from the area due to the destruction done to its installations by the fire.

An eye witness, Abdul-Kareem Amandi, said to Starr News that firemen ran out of water and had to refill their tender to contain the flames. He added that nothing was retrieved before the fire, hence consummation cannot be measured.

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Almost the whole of Bawku trooped to that place to see whether they could put out the fire, but it was impossible. It took the Fire Service that came. Their water got finished. They went back for water and the fire continued until they came. He added that people came out to supply water from their homes to help stop the fire.

The security men on duty as of the time of the outbreak, according to the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for Bawku, Issaku Bukari, are being interrogated by the police. The municipal chief executive added that he incident affected all the two offices.
The Fire Service and the police are still investigating. They have invited the security men who were on post yesterday to continue their investigations,” the MCE said.

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