Saturday 26 March 2016


During the  Easter Friday, 25 of March 2016, A final year student of the Notre Dame Minor Seminary Secondary School at Navrongo in the Upper East region died after he drowned in a dam on the school premises.

The school authorities have not disclosed the name of the student because his family is yet to be informed about the tragedy. He died shortly after the school had held the Good Friday sacrament. Police in the area have confirmed the news.

Rumors has it that the student committed suicide after he was punished by school authorities for an unknown wrong doing but head teacher of the school Reverend .Father Francis Koledogo denied the rumors in an interview with Starr News’ Edward Adeti.

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He said "the school does not punish students on Good Friday”. He also stated that: “He and his two other colleagues went to swim in the dam against school rules...If anything, he will be buried on Monday”.

source||starrfm, ghanaweb, info vybes


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