Wednesday 16 March 2016


Dabbing Be Whaat?!...Waking up in the morning after sleeping your lungs  out unprepared for an upcoming quiz is one funny thing in our system…..Haha,I can’t laugh enough. At this point, when it’s too late to study especially when the quiz is first in the lecture series for the day, the mind becomes nothing more than a hot plate.
The BRAIN becomes a stream of fresh flowing ideas which give possibilities as to how one can survive the impending death sentence. One can barely survive the play-ground of neck twisting, unusual movement and interception of sound signals from every angle, automatically the brain becomes a search engine with a broad database of every brilliant student in the class. Yeah it’s that funny. This is deciding whom to get close to; just so that virtual correlation of an empty barrel and a full can, can co –exist and make hope a suitable companion for a better result.
Students sit in wait patiently for the lecturer to show his annoying face. Indeed, he enters the class and finds the students seated and looking well prepared. He’z even given titles to ease the tension.    The serenity and quietness alone convinces him; and he begins to appreciate the discipline and how cultured these students may be; he now comes to a consensus with himself that these are good students who would not tap into any malpractice dabbed opportunity. what he doesn’t know about the whole thing is that it’s just a fragment of one big plan.
Being reminded about the rules in play in the examination room, they unanimously node in agreement. The test starts and everyone is busy (even those who have never read a word). These unique impressions motivate the lecturer in question to smile and he decides to take a walk between the lines. In the course of the walk, he realizes some of the busy students are covering something on the paper that isn’t there. The "YAWA" on a blank sheet when the lecturer comes around draws more attention. Soon, whispers begin to come from every angle, he hears it, turns and has absolutely no idea of the source and destination (target) of the sound, a sound which makes meaning only to colleagues. The fun becomes even interesting when he catches one red handed. The lips keep moving as though he had been programmed to mime. This fellow knowing from the corner of his eye the supervisor is still watching continues to move his lips as if he had been singing a song for the spirits. Spiritual paa!!!
Supervisor gets a call and walks out. this is party for the boys; but they are very conscious of the fact that this is a fleeting opportunity, so they grab it. Bold ones walk around and talk like they own the place while the weak hearted find themselves on a cliff. Not sure from whom or how to “dab” /copy answers. “Internal sweating diee no lie”
The “boosu” comes in and you won’t believe it? he can’t bring himself to comprehend the impudence of this silly but smart students. As to whose paper becomes a platform for hyphenated red writings is uncertain, after all they all swimming.
He takes his papers and walks out smiling in anger. Strange isn’t it? He roars… “SIASEM!!!”
The grand finale or zenith of this issue is when pieces of papers begin to come out from the back of watches, tubes of pens, socks, folded handkerchiefs and wallets. Some call this "sheen guard"
This is real, fun and scary.


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