Thursday, 16 June 2016

Zuma’s wife who allegedly tried to poison him is ‘homeless’ – Report

Since being kicked out of Nkandla for allegedly trying to poison the president, life has reportedly become increasingly tough for MaNtuli­Zuma.

Sunday tabloid Sunday Sun reported today that First Lady Nompumelelo MaNtuli­Zuma is evidently facing serious personal difficulties after being expelled from Nkandla where she lived the life of a “royal Zulu wife”.

According to a group of observers that the tabloid spoke to in the Hermannsburg area near Greytown in KwaZulu­Natal, she is living “under cover” in the rural area. An induna in the area told the paper that MaNtuli had been looking for land to build a house, but that he wanted her to follow the correct
procedures and not expect any “special treatment because she’s MaNtuli”.Last year the Sunday Times broke the sensational story that Russian intelligence agents had discovered that MaNtuli had been involved in a plot to poison her husband, President Jacob Zuma. They linked this to a period in which the president had fallen inexplicably ill.

Since then, she was banned from Nkandla and sidelined, and it appears this remains the case.

A Zuma family insider allegedly told the Sunday Times that MaNtuli­ had done “something terrible that could put her in jail for a long time”.

MaNtuli confirmed in August last year that State Security Minister David Mahlobo asked her to leave Nkandla so that a “sensitive matter” could be investigated.

MaNtuli has denied being aware of or part of any poison plot and offered her full cooperation into the investigation.

President Zuma’s brother Mike Zuma told Sunday Sun that he wasn’t aware of MaNtuli being homeless, but that she should approach her husband if she needed help.

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