Thursday, 7 April 2016


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The West African Examination Council (WAEC) has said its primary investigations into allegations that some exam papers were leaked ahead of Wednesday April 6, have revealed that a hand few of its supervisors gave out some questions to some candidates writing the West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) before the papers were written.

WAEC’s Public Affairs Director, Agnes Teye-Cudjoe told Class91.3fm’s Ekow Mensah-Shalders on the Executive Breakfast Show on Thursday April 7 that a few bad nuts among the exam supervisors have been up to no good as far as the situation was concerned.

The Oral English, Integrated Science, Social Studies, and Physics papers were available to some candidates on the eve of the exams.

The leaked papers have also been circulating on social media and this has raised concerns over the credibility of officials working with the examining body.

Mrs Teye-Cudjoe, however, said students having “foreknowledge” of the questions did not amount to a “leakage”.

She added that, WAEC has put in place stringent measures to prevent leakages. That notwithstanding, Mrs Teye-Cudjoe said WAEC could not guarantee that every person working with the Council would exhibit honesty and integrity by not leaking papers.

She also said that, in addition to not allowing mobile phones into the printing houses and depots where the papers are kept, “we have security cameras around…we are doing our best and we’ll continue to look at ways by which we can even improve it and make it as best as we can…we’ll not throw our hands in the air.” She said, “only senior staff” are allowed access into the depots, while the police service does background checks on all WAEC staff recruited to work in connection with the papers.



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