Tuesday 5 April 2016


I beseech thee brethren, by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind……. Rom 12:1-2a
There is this misconception that calls for a revolution,
This thinking in the church, that places arts as just entertainment, as a mere side attraction,
As if God does not bless through the arts, as though arts is just aimed at our physical gratifications, but I hope you don’t get it twisted tonight cos
God – who is the superlative of every entity that has ever being,
The owner and king of the heavens and all earthly things,
This God – seated on high with none in comparison,
Riding on the wings of the wind with absolute compassion,
See God – Sits on the circles of the earth, yet holds the universe together by his breath,
God – Lily of the valley, rose of Sharon, the single most powerful being to cross the horizon,
Is about to showcase his glory through the arts
But the question?
The reason for the revolution,
I beseech brethren, by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind……. Rom 12:1-2a
There is this misconception that calls for a revolution,
This thinking in the church, that places arts as just entertainment, as a mere side attraction,
As if God does not bless through the arts, as though arts is just aimed at our physical gratifications, but I hope you don’t get it twisted tonight cos
God – who is the superlative of every entity that has ever being,
The owner and king of the heavens and all earthly things,
This God – seated on high with none in comparison,
Riding on the wings of the wind with absolute compassion,
See God – Sits on the circles of the earth, yet holds the universe together by his breath,
God – Lily of the valley, rose of Sharon, the single most powerful being to cross the horizon,
Is about to showcase his glory through the arts
But the question?
The reason for the revolution,
A total overhaul of popular perception.
Why would such a mighty, magnanimous, masterly, marvellous, massive, merciful, magisterial, marmoreal, martial, masterful, magnificent, magnified, mannered, manifold, majestic, matchless God,
Hold his expression in a realm of a mystery,
You see the glory God, is his character, his persona, it is his charisma,
Not just the light, but his love,
Not just the sight, but his kindness that is tender like the dove,
Not just his strength in the fight, but his justice and power made obvious by his throne above,
Not just the power that accompanies his flight, not just the boom of his dynamite,
But tonight, it will be his truth expressed through the arts,
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