Thursday 17 March 2016

# TaStE of SALT.......

imagesI was new to the trend, yet that didn’t stop me from the adventure that enticed me.I had hopes that catalyzed my assurance of you becoming the center of the magic that drove the waves of happiness across my wondering heart.
You were meant to preserve this force that made life worth living. However, this wasn’t the story that inspired my urges…….
Nature found a way of giving me a viable donor; one who made herself a host.
I couldn’t look farther, for light in itself was before me.
Her nature had made me naturally incandescent, glowing from the joy of seeing her every time.
It was amazingly cool; the experience alone made me feel as though my feet no longer touched the earth.
I got what I wanted but that wasn’t enough. I had to want to receive it. For before a gift is given, the receiver must be willing to take it.
I went close and tried to walk around the host and indeed she saw the truth in my desires. She fell for it and became mine. So i thought.
I was in love. My world had changed………. FOR A TIME!!
I had reached the peak of joy itself.
It wasn’t long before I realized nature had deceived me.
She was a masquerade, dancing vigorously on the stage of my vulnerable desperation.
I didn’t cry, for she assured me she was mine and mine alone. She said nothing was wrong and yet she was in the arms of another.
What truth is there in enjoying the company of one, giving him your all and claiming to truly love another…
I confront her and she lets a free-flow of this colorless disguised deceit down her charming cheeks. I’m trapped. She shuts me up before I can even continue.
I have to console her, and make my hard chest the softest cotton filled pillow a resting place of her hypocritical big head.
The bone of contention here is why I still want to become above all else nothing more than a fool, holding high the natural order of stupidity.
I’m not alone anyway, for loneliness herself has become my sole companion. Nowhere to look, for the salt that had to preserve my excited lively heart had lost its taste.
She had become the black hole sucking every ray of light thrown at me;even the ones emanating from me were not left out. The incandescent nature my body had bought itself through the concept of evolution was lost.
Today I’m bound to her heart and freeing myself seems impossible.
I linger in shadows, driven by the hate that rages on as I explore the world without.
She’s taken everything, the light that made my life meaningful and the light that incites the desire for anything good. They were all of them lost.
My books became Latin and Spanish dictionaries. I couldn’t read the meanings of the words anymore. Her commitment to me was a lie.
She’s left me with memories like a pile of ashes from the embers of a fire so cold. How do I survive this period of cold loneliness; one which the voice of COMFORT is only hypothetical? No impact.
I’ve come to dread the taste of this tasteless salt.


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