Wednesday, 6 July 2016

A DATE WITH FORMAL - what the youth have to say about entrepreneurship skills and youth leadership

Another episode of A DATE WITH FORMAL, hosted by Terrick Torgbor on WhatsApp is here again and this time we are deliberating on the methods that can build youth entrepreneurship skills and Youth Leadership with respect to Student Politics 

The previous episode was great, as we discussed the issue of Graduate Unemployment and we also went into the life of Mizz Titi of Vodafone Icons Street Edition fame. You can check out the review of the previous episode > HERE. < P.S. The review of this current episode should have come a bit earlier but man has been a bit busy but we still make time :-) 

here is what the youth has to say

Ahwireng: I think the first thing we have to do is identify what we are good at and direct efforts towards that side

see I also think the society should stop that thing of choosing what their children should be therefore discouraging them from any other thing they might be focusing on.

I think the society is the factor to consider cos they are a great influence

Nii: See this shouldn't be blamed on one party

i think it should be a collective effort of the
1. Society
2. Ourselves
3. The Government

Society does all in our upbringing Don't tell your kid this job is better. But teach him or her the entrepreneurship stuff, He or she now wills to go anywhere And try to start something Then the government comes in to make it possible by ensuring all industry sectors are considered not just high-tech

Faustina: After knowing your interest u have to know more about the profession u av chosen. Dis could be done through reading books  and consulting experts to help u out
Let's not forget "education is a choice to success not the key".

let's not frgt to start a job nd widin a yr nd xpect a lot of profit.It will tke somtym nd dnt quit easily. Even  de Bible  knws dat man will fall buh den we shld not slp in it we must try harder to rise again. We quickly av to develop our inter -personal relationships well as we fink fink of enterpreneurship becoz we will wrk wid people

Kofi: Education in Ghana deals with only the theories
leaving the practical aspect. A doctor left  Ghana  to work abroad and  he was offered to be a desk nurse
that is for sure an insult on the  education system of Ghana.
When will the education system of this dear country change our leaders knowing this privilege their children to school abroad

what of we the less privilege citizens

You take your studies seriously to become an unemployed graduate in your own country with a first degree

The youth of today must be able to develop a way to work with each other to achieve a certain goal

Rhany: Are you sure that
Legon business school
Knust business school
Do not think about you becoming a creative thinker through the course you study
Every fault  is on us students
I know that the schools I mentioned study entrepreneurship and small scale business development. Busines law company law and partnership law that give you insight about how to create businesses and sustain them
So the fault is not with our schools.
Don't forget that anytime you start your business you must pay tithe that's one sure way to attract God's grace. It is up to you to put in practice the things you study and your business would sure have a story



Forson: Education is not the guarantee for success But if you listen, you hear ,you study or if you like you learn and you do not apply the knowledge you've acquired trust me you won't succeed

I will quote what my spiritual daddy always say" VISION will challenge your comfort zone"

Richard: An Entrepreneurship subject must be commission to add up our subjects since its needed so badly tho I its a topic in some of our subj. In fact it must be a full subject wit topics showing skills on how to be a good  Entrepreneur. I always love this man JACK MA. He is one of the greatest  Entrepreneurs in the world. We can visit his sites and learn from him. He advices people who are serious and want to be great Entrepreneurs in the world

Charlotte: if ure willing to do something nothing will prevent u from doing so. Being an Entrepreneur does not have anything to do with the government. It depends on your mindset and how u plan

Taking Mobile money for instance .lot of people r making a lot of income from that. Someone can start with small amount money whiles others start with huge amount. It depends on your managerial skills and how determined u are

Thelma: My little contribution. We can be whatever we can so far as we're willing to be through hard work, determination and above all faith in God, which gives meaning and purpose to human life. Honesty and reliability are key. These would make it possible for us to work with others and vice versa. Finally we have to live small and save big. I recommend *seven principles of success and wealth creation* by Dr. Michael Agyekum Addo It's an awesome book

*Carpe diem* is also an awesome book

*seize the moment; if not now, then when?*

  and many more contributions!
Watch out for the next episode of  A DATE WITH FORMAL this Wednesday on WhatsApp at 9am. You can join in the discussions and interviews by just texting "DWF" on whatsapp to +233548189809 and get added to the 100+ group of young intellectuals on whatsApp! 
I Cant wait for the next episode of A DATE WITH FORMAL



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