Timber Wolf and Wolverine These canine-like heroes were both products of experimentation. Both
of them have enhanced senses, and even their hairstyles are almost the
same. Timber Wolf has claws which he can fire like bullets; while
Wolverine has Adamantium-plated bone structure and retractable claws. To modern generation, you might think that Timber Wolf is the copied
version of Wolverine; well, guess again. Timber Wolf made his first
appearance in comic books as “Lone Wolf”, in 1964. Years after his
debut, Wolverine made his first bow to the audience in 1974. Whoever
came first, Wolverine wins for being Mr. Popular since he’s the one who
made it first to the big screen.
2. Darkseid and Thanos.
Aside from Darkseid’s skirt, there is not much of a difference
between him and Thanos; and they both want to conquer not just the
world, but the whole universe.
One thing that separates Thanos from the other villains is his goal
in life – to increase his strength by gathering all of the Infinity Gems
and to impress the love of his life, Death. Darkseid, on the other
hand, is in quest to find the Anti-Life Equation which has the power to
control the will of the sentinent race. Luckily for Darkseid, though, Thanos
is the first one to appear on movies Darkseid is now popular.
3. CatWoman and BlackCat. Most people might think that Black Cat is Catwoman’s copy-cat but technically, it might be the other way around. In 1940, she made her debut in Batman #1
as “the Cat”, in which she was portrayed as Batman’s supervillain
who wore a green dress without her famous mask. Her cat persona did not
come around until after Marvel’s Black Cat appeared in the comic books
in 1979.
4. Vision and Red Tornado. When it comes to their abilities, they are both strong, both can
fly, both has the ability to repair themselves, both have red skins, and
both made their first comic book appearance in 1968.
The Vision appeared two months later after Red Tornado’s first
appearance, making him look like a rip-off of Red Tornado. However, the
process of creating a comic book (from conceptualization and printing of
products) takes three to four months.
5. Black Canary and MockingBird These two bird-named blondes are almost indistinguishable. Other than
Black Canary’s (Dinah Lance) genetically enhanced vocal chords that is
called “Canary Cry”, their abilities are the same –both are
strategy-minded martial artists. Also, both of them are clothed in less
clothes and are sporting big pirate boot cuffs when they actually want
to be disguised. They look so identical that if it weren’t for
Mockingbird’s (Barbara Morse) mask, you would think that they were the
same person. The two of them are also involved in an unstable
relationship with an archer. Could one of them be a rip-off of the other?
6. Aqua Man and NamorThese two are half humans who rule the Atlantis in their separate
universes. Their backstories are nearly identical too – both of their
fathers are human and their mothers are Atlantean. Even their powers and
abilities are almost the same; the only thing Namor lacks is telepathy.
Both have incredible strength, both have a trident, and both have
control over sea creatures.
Even if Aquaman debuted two years after Namor, Aquaman gained more mainstream exposure because of the Super Friends cartoon where he was featured in the 70s; also, luckily for him, he is about to make his first big screen appearance.
7. Hawkeye and Green Arrow.
These archers are almost identical with their suits, similar weapons
and tools, similar traits, similar skills, and both are in an unstable
relationships with blondes who have bird names (and are also almost
identical) – Mockingbird and Black Canary.
Oliver Queen (known as Green Arrow) is a wealthy businessman turned
guardian archer; and also often resembles Robin Hood. On the other hand,
Clint Barton (or Hawkeye) is an orphan who ran away from the orphanage
to join the Carson Carnival of Travelling World. It was when he saw Iron
Man rescuing civilians that he realized to put his talent to good use.
8. Flash and QuickSilver.
These blazing speedsters are both the fastest characters in Marvel
and DC. But Flash’s strength is just of a normal human, unlike
Quicksilver who has enhanced strength.
Pietro Maximoff (or “Quicksilver”), who came into view almost two
decades after the Flash’s first appearance, is the son of Magneto. He is
born with natural superhuman powers, and can run at roughly the speed
of sound. While The Flash (with many known incarnations – Jay Garrick,
Barry Allen, Wally West and Bart Allen) gained his abilities by accident
and has the ability to run faster than the speed of light if he wants
9. Wasp and BumbleBee
Bees and wasps have usually been mistaken for one another – even DC and Marvel characters’ Bumblebee and Wasp.
Their abilities were both gained as a result of advanced science.
Janet van Dyne (also known as the Wasp) underwent a biochemical
procedure to avenge her father’s death. On the other hand, Karen Beecher
(a.k.a Bumblebee) has no true superpowers. Her abilities were only
acquired from a high-tech battle suit she created for herself. Bumblebee
was made in 1976 – years after the Wasp’s first appearance. DC may
prepare to concede since the Wasp is likely to be included in Ant-Man’s sequel.
10. DeadPool and DeathStroke.
These characters are almost identical that even their real names are
almost the same – Wade Wilson (Deadpool) and Slade Wilson (Death
Deadpool gained his abilities by volunteering for a Weapon X program
after he found out that he had cancer. Meanwhile, Deathstroke gained his
abilities after being chosen for a secret experiment in an attempt to
create a superhuman soldier for the U.S military. Both of their
superpowers and abilities are the same, as well as their usual weapons.
They say that Deadpool is the total rip-off of DC’s Deathstroke. Still,
Deathstroke is not as insane as Deadpool.