Tuesday 19 April 2016

Scientists Invented A Sensor That Detects Air Pollutants In Houses

Researchers from Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) and the University of Southampton developed the Graphene-based sensor. It is a device that can detect harmful air pollutants at your house.
According to Gizmag, the device can identify volatile organic compound (VOC) gas molecules and the airborne CO2 molecules. Graphene is described as the single thin layer of pure carbon that is linked and bonded together as hexagonal honeycomb lattice. It is considered the thinnest and lightest material and extremely sensitive in detecting chemical gases.
When VOC and CO2 molecules connect with the graphene and are then released, the electrical resistance of the graphene is modified. The sensor is capable of identifying those changes and determines any substances that are visible in the atmosphere. Lab tests were conducted and its prototype identified CO2 gas within minutes just when a gas was released in the room.


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